About Us


Up to 50% of female athletes believe that their menstrual cycle routinely impacts upon their training and competition.  It is scientifically well recognised that the hormonal variation occurring during the menstrual cycle of healthy menstruating women will influence the immune system, energy metabolism, psychology and the musculoskeletal system – thereby impacting athletic training and performance. Conversely, lowered reproductive hormones and menstrual disturbance caused by an energy deficiency have shown to impair health, performance and increase the risk of injury in female athletes. However, there is only limited high quality and clinically applicable research specific to women in sport and as a result low levels of scientific evidence and expert opinion often inform best practice.

Objectives of WHISPA


  • To ensure that HPSNZ is providing the best clinical advice to athletes and coaches to facilitate optimal health, wellbeing and performance in elite female athletes



  • To establish and disseminate evidence-based guidelines and protocols for practitioners, athletes and coaches that enable optimum health and performance in elite female athletes
  • To establish educational opportunities for Athletes, coaches, parents and practitioners in the topic of athletic performance in women
  • To facilitate robust and relevant performance and health related research in the topic of athletic performance in elite female athletes
  • Through the learnings gained from elite athletes, facilitate the health and wellbeing of all females participating in sport


WHISPA is committed to:

  • Applying ethical approaches to health and performance in sport
  • Utilising robust data to inform continuous learning and action

Members of WHISPA


All WHISPA member bios